The correct recipe from the beginnig

Study of raw materials

For the good production result the study of the available raw materials is one of the successful key point.
Glass Service assistance engineers can help the customer on the raw materials choice and supplier selection.

In raw materials
many parameters
are evaluated:

Correct raw materials
study can help customer
in melting process:

More analysis

Special attention
to the cullet source

The quality and constant availability of the cullet is one of the main
key for the final good production.

 The cullet analysis and evaluation are integrated in the full service from Glass Service assistance engineer. The use of correct refining agent and decolouring agent is one of the key for correct production. Glass Service engineer could evaluate the correct mix of agent for the production quality required.
For the correct mix definition several laboratory test could be done as well as on- field furnace test and settings.

Batch formula

Full Service for melting technology

Investing on our technical heritage we’ve developed new solutions and we’re working evryday on a countinous
research orf everyday equipments’ improvement with Kaizen methodology:

Quality analysis

Low production quality


Reduce the energy cost

Batch cost

Achieve the correct batch cost
on the reference market


Increase the furnace life

Glass analysis

Batch studies
for project success

This batch studies are one of the main keys for project’s success.

For that purpose Glass Service use only qualified European laboratories. All the chemical analysis are certified with the most modern instruments and procedure.